Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Treky Laser Stun Gun

Last Friday, I spent the whole day with our new General Manager, Scott. We had been diligently checking the temperatures on the dryers with our hi-tech therma-gun and decided to take a break and check out the competition in the neighborhood.  

On Clement, I was drawn (like Eve to an apple) into Orgasmic Pizza--ostensibly, to check out the brew list. But, after a few minutes, our Scotty was in the Star Trek mode shooting up the customers with his laser stun gun. They were lining up to get zapped. Boys and their toys!
One poor kid, asked me to take his temperature since he didn't feel well. He did have a fever. That gun is pretty accurate. Others, walked up and wanted thermal verification that they were alive or "cool headed"--it created quite a buzz.

Another fun day evening in The Richmond!

123 Wash N Dry

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