Monday, December 26, 2011

Sock Gremlins

Have you lost a sock at the laundromat lately?

I have lost my share. However, in looking for mine, I also found about 5-6 singles belonging to a small child in the large front dryers. I placed them in the bin at the back.  

If you're the owner of the missing kid socks, please check the bin.

Reminder: if you notice a sock or two missing, check the lint trap. That's where most of them end up. On the 2 big dryers, we took the locks off so you can conveniently check the lint bin yourself. The door is attached with Velcro strips now so just give it a yank and it will pop open, or ask Scott to help you.

You can also take a pic of the remaining socks and email them to me at  so I know what to look for and I will email you when the Sock Gremlin releases them.


123 Wash N Dry

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