Monday, December 26, 2011

New Full-time Staffing Coming Soon!

Moving forward, 123 Wash N Dry contracted with a new on-site manager. Scott will be starting in the next week and will be helping us restore the dry cleaning and wash & fold services.  He has lots of energy and great ideas!  I'm looking forward to working closely with him.  He lives on the block and will be scheduled for regular hours starting the first of the new year.

I fixed the 3 jammed coin drops on the dryers last Thursday. They were inoperative due to Chinese coins and nickels in the trough instead of US quarters.  We have 3 more dryers whose temperatures are not up to par. Those will be fixed soon--in the mean time, there are 20 other operable dryers available.

 If you have any other  problems, just email me at or leave a message on my phone line (415) 251-7514.

I hope everyone had a great holiday this weekend. Happy New Year!


123 Wash N Dry

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