Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hot Water & Other Rumors

Scott, our Manager called today to let me know that a very nice regular patron told him confidentially that there's a rumor that we turned off all the hot water to the washers.  Oh My!

Someone, as a practical joke, may have turned off a few of the connections but we absolutely did not purposely turn off any of the hot water. That would be sabotaging our own business.  

So on his first day, Scott had the added challenge of going around and checking that all the hot water hoses are turned to full hot.  

I do my clothes and my kids clothes at the laundromat so that I can test the machines and dryers and make sure everything is up to par. I had not noticed any problems with in the few washers I used over the last 3 months.  

I read your comments about the dryers not being hot enough and used my ThermoGun to verify the temperatures. Our repairman came in today to reset three dryer thermostats to the proper temperatures so that you can get your laundry dried at the expected temperature during the expected time frame.

For our dryers:
Hot is between 140-150 F degrees Permanent Press is 120-130 F degrees

It takes a little while for the temperature to rise to the final drying temperature when your clothes are saturated with water but if you think your dryer is too hot or too cold, ask Scott to check the temperature or write the dryer number on our trouble list or email me at 123WashNDry@gmail.com

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