Wednesday, January 11, 2012


  Have you ever been offered those over-priced balls? You know the ones I’m talking about. You are invited to a mysterious "business opportunity" meeting at a friend's house and by the end of the evening you're convinced that an inert ceramic ball is going to save you years of detergent costs.  You shell out a few hundred dollars, 'cuz you can't buy just one--OH NO!--you have to sell them to your innocent friends and family to make back the money you shelled out for the first "investment".    

Yeah, that happened to me. My brother-in-law, who is otherwise a gem, got taken and had to quickly recover from his poor decision before my sister found out.  I used the balls--just to see--and my clothes did feel a lot softer and scentless. All I was doing was washing out the residue soap from months of overuse.  After 3 or 4 washings, the placebo effect was over but I did realize that I had been using too much soap.  So, I guess, in a way, I ended up saving money over time since now I put a plastic pill cup on top of the washer with a marked line and never overfill the cup.

Here are a few sites with more words to the wise.    Joan  123 Wash N Dry

Reminder:   Use 1 oz of HE soap for every 10 lbs of dry clothing.

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