Monday, March 5, 2012

Cothes Press--Lazy Style

I am a good folder - -  but I hate ironing so it is important to do a good job folding so that I don't have to iron. 

First, I spread the clothes out and smooth the surfaces, and square up the edges before I start folding.

Then, I fold into neat sizes that fit the drawers for my family. 
My kids like their large T-shirts folded so that they can read the printing on the front fold so they get the quarter-fold.  My smaller clothes get folded in thirds so that they fit exactly in my drawers.

When folded, I stack the clothes in a high pile. This adds pressure to the bottom items and makes them look almost pressed. I save that spot for jeans. When done, they have neat creases down the front and look freshly ironed.

I heard this was called the Shaker Linen Press Method but, of course, cannot verify this online anywhere. It really works!

It's great for traveling, too. If you can keep your clothes snug they won't get all jumbled up and need ironing when you arrive.

My granny subscribed to the paper-layer method. When I went off to college, she stopped by to re-pack my suitcase. She put tissue paper in the middle of all my things and rolled them. I honestly can't remember if her efforts paid off but she thought she was giving me a great start in life. So cute!


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